Despite his parents being on the first date...Greg captured Ashley's heart. On March 31, 2018 while under the impression that they were going mudding in the field Greg took Ashley to his family pasture. While standing looking over the lake Greg came and stood next to Ashley and reached into his pocket...dropping his pocket knife he reached down to grab it...only to have Ashley reach down and pick it up saying "This is why we can't have nice things". Greg told Ashley to stop picking up his things and threw his pocket knife back down on the ground...from here Greg reached into his pocket and pulled out the handmade wooden box and asked Ashley to marry him. Inside was a ring that was Greg's great grandmother's that he had resized and customized...and she said YES!
The center gold and tiny diamond in the 1920’s original ring was removed and KVK found an exact Asscher cut natural diamond to fit into the space. The hand made diamond wedding band was first hand carved in wax to follow the curve of the ring.